To see items sold on eBay using the Search bar, follow these steps:
  1. Enter keywords describing items you are looking for in the Search bar.
  2. Scroll down the menu on the left side to the Show only section, then tick the Sold items box.
  3. Now, you can see a list of items sold in the past 90 days.
People also ask
What happened to eBay sold listings?
The option to view sold items directly from an image search in the eBay app has been taken away. You can still search for active listings using an image search. There is a workaround to view sold items via image search which may be useful if you intend to do several in a row.
Can you search items from an eBay seller?
Click on the "Advanced Search" link to the right of the search bar on the eBay homepage. This will bring you to the advanced search screen. 2. Hit the "By Seller" link on the left side of the page.
How to do an advanced search on eBay?
If you are using a desktop browser or a mobile browser in desktop mode, the Advanced Search link is located next to the blue search button. If you are using a mobile browser in mobile mode or the eBay app you can turn an active search into a search for sold or ended items using an option in the Filter menu.
Completed Listings Search is a valuable resource for buyers and sellers looking for a quick snapshot of an item's current market value. Benefits ...
Find items. Enter keywords or item ... See general search tips or using advanced search options. Search Including. Title and description. Completed items. Sold ...
Aug 9, 2021 · With simple step-by-step instructions, learn how to search eBay sold listings so you can better price/value your vintage and antiques.
Search of completed or sold items only allows listings a day or two old to be viewed. ... Try clicking on the item image in the blue banner and see if that takes ...
Then perform a keyword search, and select "Sold" items in the Filter menu. You should see a padlock icon next to the filter option -- tap the padlock icon so it ...
Enter the name of the item in the big search box at the top of the Ebay page, then look on the left side of the page, and click on "Sold" which is underneath " ...
Feb 5, 2024 · Then, choose Completed Listings and select Search. This will only show items that have been sold in the search results. JUMP TO YOUR DEVICE. Why ...
View a sellers sold items in ebay store ... Click view seller's other items. Then click sold filter on the left side of page. Message 2 of 9. latest reply.