Do the following:
  1. Access eBay's official website.
  2. Click on Advance, beside the search bar.
  3. Hovering the mouse on the “Items” section, click on “By seller”
  4. Scroll down to the “Sellers” section.
People also ask
Can you search for a specific Seller on eBay?
You can search for Sellers via the Advanced link to the right of the eBay Search window. Scroll down to the Seller section and enter the ID and complete the Search at the top or bottom of the page.
How do I look up a user on eBay?
In the Members section, choose "Find a member" and enter the member's username or email address.
How to find someone's store on eBay?
If the seller has a shop on eBay, search under Find Shops. Enter the shop name or keywords relating to it to find the store. Keywords are useful if you don't know the exact name of the storefront.
How do I find sold items on eBay by Seller?

How to see someone's sold items?

At the "Sellers" section, check the box that says "Only show items from."
Next to the field that says "Include," enter the seller's member id.
Hit your "Enter" button.
The results should be all of that seller's items.
For all other eBay sellers, click on this link > Advanced Search and go to the Sellers section. Be sure to check mark: "Only show items from." Type in the ...
You can search for Sellers via the Advanced link to the right of the eBay Search window. Scroll down to the Seller section and enter the ID and complete the ...
Be sure to check mark: "Only show items from." Type in the seller's eBay username and click on Search. Click on a listing and use the "Contact seller" link to ...
Nov 15, 2019 · 1. Click on the "Advanced Search" link to the right of the search bar on the eBay homepage. This will bring you to the advanced search screen.
If you know approximately where a user is located and what the user sells, try searching around a nearby zip code to see if you can find the seller's listings ...
See general search tips or using advanced search options. Search Including. Title ... Enter seller's name or multiple seller names separated by a comma or a space.
One way to search for a seller on eBay is by looking up their seller username or the specific seller name. You can also use the seller's ID (if available) for ...
Aug 10, 2022 · To find a seller on eBay, click Advanced beside the search bar, then choose By Seller--> Only Show items from [name]--> Search.
search Search By seller on eBay from
Nov 17, 2023 · Searching by Name or Email Address · Click Find a member if you want to find the person's eBay profile and/or items they are selling. · Click ...