Find items. Enter keywords or item number Enter keywords or item number ... See general search tips or using advanced search options. Search Including. Title ...
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How to search eBay listings?

Here's how it works:

Select Advanced next to the search bar.
Select an option from Items, Stores or eBay Motors.
Choose the filters you'd like to apply by ticking the boxes or entering your keywords.
Select Search.
Why can't I find my eBay listing in search?
New listings can take up to 24 hours to be indexed and appear in search. If you revise a listing before it is indexed, it goes to the back of the line again. If it has been more than 24 hours since the last revision, please post an item number.
How do I find a specific eBay Seller?
You can search for Sellers via the Advanced link to the right of the eBay Search window. Scroll down to the Seller section and enter the ID and complete the Search at the top or bottom of the page.
Can you search old eBay listings?
Sold or Ended listings are typically removed from eBay after ninety days. If you know the item number or the exact title you might possibly be able to find a cached version of the page on Google, but it is highly unlikely that any associated images would still be viewable after so much time.
search eBay listing from
Completed Listings Search is a valuable resource for buyers and sellers looking for a quick snapshot of an item's current market value. Benefits ...
To find it, search using keywords in your listing, and apply filters to narrow your results. If you can't find your listing after 24 hours, go to Selling ...
You can find listings you've browsed lately in your recently viewed items. However, if the listing isn't there, the item may have been purchased, or we needed ...
With advanced search you can apply filters including price range, item condition, or listing format, to your search results to find exactly what you're ...
Go to your feedback. Click on "View items for sale". It will bring up everything you have listed. Then you can do a search (by title) of the items you have ...
Is there a way to search/filter my own listings other than just scrolling down through every single one of them until I find what I'm looking for.
The quickest way to search on eBay is by using our search bar at the top of most pages. Type in what you're looking for, hit Search, and we'll find the items ...
Solved: I'm new to eBay selling, but I'm just confused. I listed an item and once it was active I see in my hub I have a couple of views but when I.
Easy way to find my listings? ... In sellers hub, listings, active. Under manage active listings, you should see search. Ps: Not a stupid question. Everyone has ...