Seasonal Sales & Events. Enter your search keyword. All Categories, Antiques, Art, Baby, Books, Business & Industrial, Cameras & Photo, Cell Phones & ...
People also ask
How to do an advanced search on eBay mobile?

Advanced search

Select Advanced next to the search bar.
Select an option from Items, Stores or eBay Motors.
Choose the filters you'd like to apply by ticking the boxes or entering your keywords.
Select Search.
How do I search for a seller on eBay mobile app?

Search for an eBay seller on the mobile app

Open the eBay app.
Tap the search bar at the top of the screen or Search at the bottom.
Type a seller's name or your best guess. ...
When you type the seller's exact ID or a close match, eBay suggests it in the search results.
How do I filter searches on eBay app?
You can use the filters on the left-hand side of the search results page to help narrow down your search results – by item specifics (such as brand, colour and size), item condition (new, used, etc.), buying format (auction, Buy It Now, accepts offers), whether the seller accepts returns, and much more.
How do I search for an item on eBay?
The quickest way to search on eBay is by using our search bar at the top of most pages. Type in what you're looking for, hit Search, and we'll find the items that best match your search.
Advanced search lets you narrow down your results, whether you're looking for an item or a store. Here's how it works: ... You can refine your search even further ...
Advanced search on eBay app ... You can search for items that have sold and ended in the last ninety days. Start with a regular search of active items. From the ...
If you are using a mobile browser in mobile mode or the eBay app you can turn an active search into a search for sold or ended items using an option in the ...
Many of the features of a browser's Advanced Search page can be accomplished using the eBay app, but in many cases the feature is implemented differently in ...
But it is often not necessary to use the Advanced Search page to get some of the same search features if you use the right search syntax. The eBay app will ...
To find items located in the US, scroll down to the Item location filters and select US Only. Related articles on search. Advanced search. Find a specific item, ...
Mar 21, 2020 · The eBay Advanced Search is one of the best tools, that nearly no one uses, because it seems too complicated.
Hello, is there any advanced search on the mobile app? I am trying to look for auctions sorted by ending soonest but I want to have a filter for.