if(strpos($path->url(),$registered_route) === 0){ $middleware->call('Auth','login'); } ?> and the auth middleware is as follows <?php class Auth{ function login ...
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Parses string as if it were the query string passed via a URL and sets variables in the current scope (or in the array if result is provided). Parameters.
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The string to search for. Prior to PHP 8.0.0, if ... Here's a URL that documents what was changed: ... String Functions · addcslashes · addslashes · bin2hex · chop ...
http_build_query - Generate URL-encoded query string; http_response_code - Get or Set the HTTP response code; hypot - Calculate the length of the hypotenuse ...
Parameters ¶. haystack. The string to search in ... function substr_count_unicode($str, $substr ... while (substr_count($url, '../') && ++$i < strlen($url))
In many PHP legacy products the function htmlspecialchars($string) ... url (i.e. the text is encoded as if sent from ... http://php.net/manual/en/function.override- ...
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eep2004 at ukr dot net ¶. 9 years ago. Remove GET variables from the URL <?php $url = strtok('http://php.net/manual/en/ref.strings.php?foo=1&bar=2', '?'); // $ ...
... string value, or when building a URL with args), don't use addslashes (you don't want both " and ' escaped at the same time). Instead, just use this function: < ...