Nov 7, 2019 · Part Number: MSP430FR6989 Is the default frequency of the SMCLK 1.048MHz as seen here ...
Looking Up Clock Frequencies? ... From Code Composer, I see that my SMCLK is 8.2MHz and ACLK is 32kHz in my MSP430F5529. ROV -> ... -> msp430 -> ClockFreqs. I am ...
Jan 14, 2012 · No, the SMCLK is sourced by DCODIV. The FLL uses XT1CLK to stabilize the DCOCLK to 2.097152 MHz, the SMCLK is DCO/2 so 1.048576 MHz. Now even ...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5338 Hi everyone, I am working in MSP430F5338 with XT2 (20MHz) as source frequency for SMCLK,MCLK,ACLK .
Feb 17, 2014 · Hi, We have a question about MSP430's default CPU clock frequency. In TI RTOS, the default CPU clock frequency is 8192000 (MCLK=SMCLK=819200).
May 17, 2013 · Default DCO frequency (at startup) is close to 1 MHz. ACLK = REFO = ~32768Hz, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO = 32 x ACLK = 1048576Hz. How it can be ...
My question is: if I set up the DCO to 25MHz, will the SMCLK frequency be 25MHz or I can choose a different value? The other device needs a clock source of 1MHz ...
Aug 2, 2011 · Hi,. I'm using MSP430F5438. I noticed that the standard SMCLK frequency is about 1.05 MHz. But I got different value when measuring the SMCLK in ...
i'm using the MSP430F5438A and i'm trying to set up different frequencies for the three different clocks MCLK SMCLK and ACLK. I'd like to have 8MHz for the MCLK ...
Sep 28, 2011 · MCLK is used as clock source for the CPU. SMCLK is usually a high frequency clock and it is used for peripheral modules (e.g. Timers, serial ...