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Explores the mystery of the obelisks of ancient Egypt, analyzing the significance and mystical powers of the obelisks, discussing the decipherment of the hieroglyphics, and describing their purpose and construction in ancient Egypt.
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Why did God create me? In this incredible book, a fascinating story and unique dialogue between a teacher and a (former) student, famed educator Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier (of TheShmuz.com) helps us understand what life is really about.
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In only a few short years, Sylvan Dell Publishing has earned accolades from magazines and associations nationwide. 16 picture books in this set are each fictional stories with nature & science themes designed for reading fun but, at the ...
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Yosef Deutsch's previous bestseller Let My Nation Live earned a following of avid readers eager to experience more great moments in Jewish history - moments that impact on us forever. With the expertise of a scholar and the pen o
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Denying Evolution aims at taking a fresh look at the evolution-creation controversy, dividing the blame equally between creationists and scientists: the former for subscribing to various forms of anti-intellectualism, the latter for ...
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Maharal's ideas are the basis for many major currents of mussar, chassidus, and Torah thought. Rabbi Tuvia Basser extracts and clarifies many of the complex ideas found in Derech Chaim, Maharal's commentary to Avos.
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Simple to create -- gourmet on your plate! Simply Gourmet ---- the title says it all. Open this magnificent cookbook and prepare to be transported to the wonderful world of Rivky Kleiman's SIMPLE to prepare yet GOURMET in taste recipes.