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In this sociology text the contributors provide an introduction to the subject without over-simplifying or `writing-down′ to their audience.
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Aimed at college and university students in all major fields of study, this book covers everything one needs to know about how to apply successfully to graduate school in North America.
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This candid book dispenses essential advice for academic job hunters and gives them the skills and knowledge to land a job in the humanities.
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A self-contained guide to the Physics GRE, reviewing all of the topics covered alongside three practice exams with fully worked solutions.
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Did you know that two of every three people reading this book will die for reasons connected with the genes they carry?
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Is graduate school right for you? Should you get a master's or a Ph.D.? How can you choose the best possible school? This classic guide helps students answer these vital questions and much more.
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The book presents 50 sample essays in a comprehensive range of subjects, detailed strategies that have proven successful for some of the most notoriously competitive graduate programs in the country, as well as sample letters of ...
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Eugene Ostashevsky's book responds to The Ethics of the seventeenth-century philosopher B. Spinoza, a work that seeks to construct an axiomatic system that is a theory of everything in a natural form of language with all its inconsistencies ...
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