Purpose: The URL path name of the current PHP file, including path-info (see $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) and excluding URL query string. Includes leading slash.
People also ask
How to get the path of a URL in PHP?
You can get the current URL path in PHP using the $_SERVER superglobal. Here is a straightforward way to do it: <? php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
How to get PHPinfo in PHP?

To use the phpinfo() function to view PHP settings:

Create a file that contains the following code: <? php phpinfo(); ?>
Save the file as info. php or something similar.
Upload the file to your public_html directory.
How do I enable Phpinfo in PHP?
Enabling and disabling phpinfo() ini. If phpinfo() is disabled and you want to enable it, try the following: If you have access to the server's php. ini file, and the line that includes the disable_functions directive says disable_functions = phpinfo then change it to disable_functions =
How to fix PHP error?
Fixing Functional Errors Once the log of the issue is found, look for the filename and line number. In the “no such file exists” example, we can track down the file and line number causing the error, which is probably a statement calling the `fopen()` PHP function.
Function Reference ¶ · cURL — Client URL Library · Event · FTP · Gearman · LDAP — Lightweight Directory Access Protocol · Memcache · Memcached · mqseries ...
Aug 26, 2015 · The configuration line, php.ini location, build date, Web Server, System and more. ... - "System ID" has the wrong url to validate ... // http://php ...
... URL like "foo.com.local" locally and put that in ... http://php.net/manual/en/migration53.deprecated.php ... debugging, maybe), running the PHP development server ...
http_build_query - Generate URL-encoded query string; http_response_code - Get or Set the HTTP response code; hypot - Calculate the length of the hypotenuse ...
?> After debugging i found that $ping_url contain url like : ... $ssl = stripos($url,'https://') === 0 ? true ... $postRes = postRequest("https://secure.php.net/",[] ...
Stop your httpd processes. > run -X -f /path/to/httpd.conf. Then fetch the URL causing the problem with your browser.
Simple class to fetch a HTTP URL. Supports "Location:"-redirections. Useful for servers with allow_url_fopen=false. Works with SSL-secured hosts. ... $headers[ ...
Adding the same tag more than once to url_rewriter.tags will only use the first occurence during the URL rewriting process. Note: Prior to PHP 7.1.0, ...
There are also functions for URL strings, and functions to encrypt/decrypt strings (Sodium and Hash). Finally, see also the character type functions. Converting ...