It is the search engine used on all Wikimedia sites, and it works quite well: it checks for misspellings, it searches on the text of pages when the templates ...
This site holds the entire contents of this MediaWiki reference book. You can also order this book, in printed, e-book and PDF form, at the main site, https:// ...
Importing content from outside MediaWiki into MediaWiki is probably the trickiest of the three types of content transfers, because the outside content can take ...
MediaWiki-Docker (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki ... book.) If ... Once you've downloaded the main MediaWiki code, go to the URL for that code in a ...
For public wikis, the goal is usually simply to allow users to register with their account from a widely-used website such as Google or Facebook; and from that ...
MediaWiki already does an important task in preventing spam, which is to add a “nofollow” tag to the HTML ... URL being added to the page ... https://www.mediawiki.
In 1995 Ward Cunningham , a programmer who was already known for his work in defining software design patterns, created the first wiki, on his company's website ...
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MediaWiki allows some HTML within wiki pages, but for the most part all formatting is done using the wikitext syntax. · A single newline between two lines will ...
Improving MediaWiki performance. This is not a web performance book, but if you feel your wiki is too slow, or you're worried about the results of increased ...
This is the same URL that is linked to from any template that declares or attaches to a Cargo table. Values for a single page. If you click on the "Page values" ...