API documentation for the Rust `create_account` fn in crate `anchor_lang`.
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Anchor ⚓ is a framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several convenient developer tools. Rust eDSL for writing safe, secure, and high level ...
Missing: url fn. create_account.
API documentation for the Rust `system_program` mod in crate `anchor_lang`.
Missing: url fn.
Implements an `Accounts` deserializer on the given struct. Can provide further functionality through the use of attributes.
Missing: url create_account.
Wrapper around `AccountInfo` that verifies program ownership and deserializes underlying data into a Rust type.
Missing: url create_account.
An attribute for a data structure representing a Solana account. #[account] generates trait implementations for the following traits:.
Missing: url fn. create_account.
Module anchor_lang::accounts::account_info. Copy item path ... AccountInfo can be used as a type but Unchecked Account should be used instead.
Missing: url system_program/ fn. create_account.
Anchor ⚓ is a framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several convenient developer tools. Rust eDSL for writing safe, secure, and high level ...
Missing: url anchor_lang/ system_program/ fn. create_account. html
Mar 17, 2023 · Quick answer: yes! When Anchor closes an account, it transfers out all of the lamports from the account, which means that the account is ...
anchor lets you define individual functions in rust that accept named, typed parameters. dispatch is handled automatically; solana programs have one entrypoint ...